
That’s why you should stop eating Tilapia as soon as possible

Eating seafood is a great way to get essential nutrients and vitamins. Tilapia is the most popular farmed fish in the United States because of its affordable price. But health experts warn consumers not to stay as far from tilapia as possible.

So you should stop eating tilapia as soon as possible

Tilapia contains only a few nutrients: researchers at Wake Forest University School of Medicine have published a report on the omega-3 fatty acid content of popular fish. Tilapia scored much less than most other fish on the list. Omega-3 fatty acids give the fish most of its benefits, including the risk of Alzheimer’s. Tilapia contains a ton of omega-6 fatty acids that are horrible for you. The amount of omega-6 in tilapia is higher than a hamburger or a bacon.

Tilapia could cause Alzheimer’s disease: one of the omega-6 fatty acids found in tilapia is arachidonic acid, a compound that dramatically increases the type of inflammatory damage that Alzheimer’s disease gives up. As a result, eating healthy fish such as mackerel, halibut and sardines would reduce their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, which in turn increases it.

So you should stop eating tilapia as soon as possible

Most tilapia are high: tilapia is the second most widely grown fish in the world. This is largely due to the resistance of the fish; He can eat almost anything. Good for farmers, bad for consumers. This means you do not have to spend a lot of money buying fish food, as you would for salmon farming. Farmers usually feed on po and OOP fish. Fish are also filled with antibiotics and genetically modified to grow faster.

Tilapia can cause cancer: Tilapia can carry up to ten times more carcinogens than other fish. Farmers feed fish with food: pesticides, pesticides and industrial chemicals. One of the researchers of toxic chemicals found in fish dioxin, which relates to the development and progression of cancer.

In addition, your body does not rinse dioxins for 7 to 11 years. Make sure to share your friends on Facebook who eat tilapia!

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